Portfolio Production 3

An advanced portfolio production course preparing students for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies. Widens and deepens the skills, techniques, methods, and processes learned in PHOT 130A and PHOT130B. Emphasis on personally expressive themes and content. Expanded concepts, and complexity of techniques and processes.

Portfolio Production 2

An intermediate portfolio production course preparing students for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies. Widens and deepens the skills, techniques, methods, and processes learned in PHOT 130A. Emphasis on personally expressive themes and content. Expanded concepts, and complexity of techniques and processes.

Portfolio Production 1

An introductory portfolio production course in preparation for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies.

B&W Film/Darkroom 3

Building off of skills attained in 81B, students learn advanced principles of black and white film photography, including the further development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology and advanced-level film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on creating portfolios within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide film cameras.

B&W Film/Darkroom 2

Building off of skills attained in 81A, students learn intermediate principles of black and white film photography, including the further development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology and intermediate film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on creating portfolios within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide some materials and camera access.

B&W Film/Darkroom 1

Introduction to the principles of black and white film photography, including the development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology, and an introduction to film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on critical issues in photography within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide some materials and camera access.