Beginning Ceramics

Introduction to developing ceramic forms. Basic methods of forming through the use of the potter's wheel, hand-construction, glaze application and kiln-firing processes. Historical uses of clay and its relationship to the development of civilizations and industry. Technical development and exploration of clay as a means for aesthetic growth.

Ceramics Studio

Advanced-studio level class building on the skills, concepts and issues addressed in ART 160C. To refine analytical skills and technical expertise in the exploration of contemporary art and ceramics issues and create a self-directed, unified body of work in preparation for transferring to university, art school, or professional activities.

Pro. Chinese Brush Painting

Emphasis on creating self-directed artwork that connects working approach, style, and content with refinement of critical thinking, presentation, and technical skill. This mastery level Chinese brush painting course expands upon ART 146C skills, concepts, and issues to produce a unified body of artwork for transfer to university, art school or professional practice.

Intermediate Watercolor

Intermediate-level examination of watercolor painting characteristics. Students will explore methods and techniques in order to develop a deeper sensitivity to the medium. Focus on extending one's knowledge of color and texture. Emphasis on combining traditional and experimental approaches and the development of a personal style and subject matter.