Work Experience in Personal Styling

Experience in the Fashion industry through personal styling, or image consulting positions. Students will intern with local employers to gain meaningful work experience. Provides practical experience in the retail/wholesale environments. Emphasis will be placed on the role of fashion in the workplace. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Fieldwork - Fashion Shows and Events

Work experience in fashion show production and events. Students will work backstage as dressers or volunteers for a variety of designers, stores and charity events. Provides practical experience in the retail environments. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of fashion promotions in the workplace. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Fabric Glossary

Fabric Glossary is a comprehensive course designed for those whose career direction will require textile knowledge. Highlights include understanding of fabric's properties, characteristics, and garment-design potential. Learn about the most commonly worn textiles, how textiles affect the environment and working with fabric swatches.