Health and Aging

Introduction to gerontology for students pursuing careers in the aging field and those who will work with older adults in various work settings. Employs a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating biology, psychology, sociology, and public health approaches and combining gerontology theory, research, and practice with social justice and multicultural perspectives.


Practice advanced interpreting skills, standards, and protocols, with a focus on active listening, linguistic equivalency, vocabulary development, and ethical decision-making. In addition, practice managing the flow of interpreting sessions, such as maintaining pace, ensuring transparency, facilitating understanding and communication, and respecting communicative autonomy of all parties in fast-paced health care and other settings of varying dynamics and complexity.

Interpreting in Healthcare II

Advanced training for bilingual individuals as integral members of healthcare teams, bridging linguistic and cultural gaps between clients and providers. A focus on specialty areas such as genetics, mental health, physical medicine, palliative care, and issues related to diverse populations. Advanced skills development in ethical decision-making, note-taking, advocacy, active listening, and the art of feedback. Continued development in cultural competency and intercultural communication.

Ethics and Counseling

Introduction to ethical and legal issues in counseling people with substance use disorders. Develops frameworks for addressing ethical and legal issues that include a variety of socio-cultural models. Develops understanding of laws, code of ethics, and client rights. The relationship between personal values and professional behavior will be explored as well as an Introduction to client centered counseling skills and practice.