Intro to Food Prep

Introductory commercial food preparation for professional kitchens through a combination of extensive hands-on practice, lecture and demonstrations. Focus on preparation of multicultural breakfast foods, salads, and sandwiches while taking into account sanitation, sustainability, waste reduction, and seasonality.

Culinary Fundamentals: Baking and Pastry

Pastry and baking production skills through extensive hands-on practice complemented by a combination of lectures and demonstrations. Working in a professional kitchen environment at City College, students prepare an impressive and varied assortment of breads, breakfast pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, tarts and fine-dining plated desserts, honing organizational skills, accuracy, and speed while adhering to sanitation and safety protocols.

Food and Culture

Hands-on food preparation focusing on the cuisine of multiple cultures. Topics covered: food in relation to historical, geographical, and social customs; principles of international food preparation and evaluation of specialized equipment

Special Occasion Cooking

Special occasion menu planning and preparation including food selection, food preparation, sanitation and safety, and use of specialized cooking equipment. Students prepare and serve complete menus for special occasions, family celebrations, and holidays. Students learn wine and food pairings and food presentation. Special occasion table setting and service also included.