Network Security Monitoring

Learn modern, powerful techniques to inspect and analyze network traffic, to quickly detect abuse and attacks and respond to them. This class also covers the configuration and use of Security Onion, a popular open-source Linux distribution designed for network security monitoring.

DNS Security

DNS is essential but has numerous security issues: hijacking, packet amplification, spoofing, snooping, and more. Configure secure DNS servers and detect malicious activity. DNSSEC (DNS Security) principles and deployment. Hands-on projects using both Windows and Linux platforms.

Computer Technology Skills for Teachers

General and specialized computer and technology skills for teachers and future teachers. Desktop and mobile computer hardware, networking and security basics, software and coding tools for teaching and learning, and representative and emerging technologies in use in educational settings such as K-12 and higher education. Meets multiple and single subject credential state requirements.

IT Professional Conduct

Skills and techniques for effective professional self-promotion and workplace rapport in an Information Technology environment. Establishing a professional image and reputation, including resumes and portfolio building, and adhering to workplace protocols and standards for professional conduct.