Illustrator I

An introductory course in Adobe Illustrator, covering concepts of vector-based image creation. Students will reproduce existing images to learn the various tools available within the application. Document construction and accuracy with vector tools are emphasized.

Emerge Studio

Emerge Studio, an in-house visual media design studio, provides an environment for students to gain real-world skills creating and producing projects for actual clients. Students will gain practice with client communications, iterative design process, technical problem-solving, and project management for individual and collaborative design projects including websites, posters, marks, brochures, and other communications projects.

Design Studio Practicum II

Continued experience in Emerge Studio, the VMD Department's in-house visual media design studio. Students take on greater responsibilities in project management, client relations, critiques, and overall project planning and implementation. Students will also encounter larger and more complex communications projects and work with greater autonomy and independence.

InDesign I

An introduction to Adobe InDesign for page layout and design. Topics include the interface, typesetting, styles, master pages, creating objects, importing graphics, layers, transparency, preflight and packaging. Emphasis on best practices.