Microsoft Outlook and OneNote

An introduction to the features of Microsoft Outlook and OneNote. Students learn to manage messages, appointments, tasks and contact lists, and customize Outlook for the workplace. Emphasis is placed on the advanced features of Outlook for communication, sharing information, and productivity within a business. Students also learn to organize projects and share notes and ideas using Microsoft OneNote. This course prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Microsoft Outlook.

Keyboarding: Speedbuilding

Keyboarding skill development on computer keyboard with associated software, emphasizing proper technique to develop speed and accuracy. Drills target individual student deficiencies. Develop proper touch control of entire computer keyboard (including alphabetic, number, and symbol keys; numeric keypad) with proper control of the Space Bar, Enter, Tab, and Shift keys.

Computer Keyboarding

This is a beginning level keyboarding course designed to build effective keyboarding skills with an emphasis on building correct touch-typing techniques for alphanumeric, symbol, and punctuation keys. A foundation for keyboarding speed and accuracy is developed and proofreader's marks are introduced. Successful completion of this class results in a minimum keyboarding speed of 20 net words per minute on a five-minute timed writing with 90% accuracy.