Instruction and practice in physical and psychological aspects of self-defense. Emphasis on developing strategies to emerge from threatening situations without sustaining serious physical or psychological trauma. The attainment of these skills can boost self-esteem, facilitating the pursuit of life and career goals.
Ending Sexual Violence: Peer Education
Education and skills training in peer education to promote healthy relationships and reduce sexual violence, specifically intimate partner violence and acquaintance rape. Peer education activities include preparation of a facilitation plan, campus-wide visibility projects, presentations to CCSF classes and volunteer work in community-based organizations. Field project required.
The Politics of Sexual Violence
An examination of the political, social, and psychological causes of sexual violence, its connections to other forms of violence, and strategies for addressing the social problem of sexual violence and transforming a rape culture, including prevention education and the healing function of writing. Field project required.
Introduction to Masculinity Studies
An interdisciplinary and intersectional study of masculinities within US culture and society. Special attention will be given to how masculinity is represented and constructed along axes of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, and ability, as well as possibilities for challenging hegemonic masculinity and building new masculinities.
Women and Film
Feminist film studies. Uses an intersectional lens to analyze women's roles in cinema as filmmakers and actors from its origins to the present.