Lat Amer Cultures & Societies

Comprehensive and critical analysis of the cultures and traditions of the peoples in Latin America. Critical in-depth study of contemporary society and political systems, inter-ethnic relations, traditional medicinal healing, religions, and sorcery. Analysis of the history and development of Latin American cultures and the impact of state forms of social organization on its traditional societies.

Cultural Anthropology

An introduction to the central concepts, theories, and techniques employed by cultural anthropologists to explore the social and cultural dimensions of human experience. Major topics include cross-cultural comparisons of subsistence patterns, economic and political organization, kinship and marriage, language and symbolism, religion and belief systems, artistic expression, colonialism and globalization, gender, sexuality, and race.

Cultural Anthropology

An introduction to the central concepts, theories, and techniques employed by cultural anthropologists to explore the social and cultural dimensions of human experience. Major topics include cross-cultural comparisons of subsistence patterns, economic and political organization, kinship and marriage, language and symbolism, religion and belief systems, artistic expression, colonialism and globalization, gender, sexuality, and race.