Film/Video Work Experience

Jobs usually arranged by the student, subject to Cinema Department approval. Job experience at CCSF, such as issuing film equipment, mentoring/tutoring cinema students, crewing or editing sound or picture for a local production company, are within the scope of this learning experience of film/video industry or related projects. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Basic Film Production

The course offers instruction in basic film production, including fundamentals of digital and analog camera operation, basic editing principles, and an overview of lighting and sound. In-class equipment and crew workshops, assigned technical and creative exercises, individual off-campus film and video projects, in-class screening and critique of student work. Each student completes at least two individual projects.

Film History (1880s-1930s)

This course examines the international history of cinema from its late 19th century origins to the 1930s. The development of film technology, aesthetics, and genre are covered from 1880s France to the establishment of the Hollywood Studio System. Topics include early film technology, the development of Classic Hollywood style, French Impressionism, German Expressionism, Soviet Montage, early animation, the introduction of sound technology, and the establishment of the Hollywood studio system.

Cinematography & Lighting

Development of the art and practice of cinematography and lighting in the execution of short, single-camera styled projects. Assignments focus on lens choice, motivated camera movement, color temperature & correction, 16mm and digital video camera operation, and lighting design. Students learn to work together as a crew as defined by industry standards.