Diversity: Ageism & Adultism

A consciousness-raising analysis and evaluation of age-based bias, discrimination and oppression (adultism and ageism) on individual, institutional, and cultural levels in the U.S. Expanding knowledge about adultism and ageism, increasing awareness of one's own socialization and assumptions, and the application of this knowledge and awareness for individual and social change are emphasized.

Human Sexuality

A human sexuality course that integrates content and methodology from the disciplines of biology, ethics, health education, history, jurisprudence, LGBTQI+. women and gender studies, psychology, and social justice. Covers the anatomical, physiological and psychological stages of development across the life span, including the role of gender, patterns of sexual arousal and response, and the paraphilias.

Intro to Ethnic Studies

An introduction to concepts, theories, methodologies and social policy related to the history, culture, concerns, and conditions of the field of Ethnic Studies. Employs Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and Indigenous Methodologies to analyze and articulate cultural, political, and economic practices and institutions that support or challenge racism, racial and ethnic inequalities, and patterns of interaction between various racial and ethnic groups.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is an iterative process of discovery, ideation, and experimentation to gain insight and produce innovative experiences, processes and products. This course will introduce design thinking models and processes through historical and contemporary practice. Hands-on exercises will provide practice with design thinking activities for visual artists, designers, engineers, makers and others.

Fa'a Pasefika: Interdisciplinary Cultural Expressions of Oceania

A survey of traditional and contemporary art across Oceania (Pacific Islands). Emphasis on literature, dance, music, visual arts, film, and museums. Using an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach, the course explores the underlying unity of Pacific cultures, including their engagement with both western and non-western societies, colonization, and diasporic communities.

Introduction to Ethnic Studies

An introduction to concepts, theories, definitions, methodologies, and social policy related to the history, culture, concerns, and conditions of the field of Ethnic Studies. Employs critical race theory, intersectionality, and Indigenous methodologies to analyze and articulate cultural, political, and economic practices and institutions that support or challenge racism, racial and ethnic inequalities, and patterns of interaction between various racial and ethnic groups.

Social Justice Work Experience

General work experience course designed for students considering careers in social justice, public service and the nonprofit sector. Through supervised internships at justice-oriented and community-based organizations, students can increase their skills working with the public sector and their knowledge of career options and pathways, including the skills necessary for work in this sector. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.