Psychology of Shyness

A psychological examination of shyness as a form of temperamental diversity. A comparison of shyness, social anxiety, introversion and the potential psychosocial challenges of each. Strategies for addressing challenges will be presented.

Abnormal Psychology

An introduction to the symptoms, prevalence, causes, and treatments of disturbances in mental, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Methods of assessment, classification, current diagnostic criteria, and theoretical models for understanding these disorders are discussed in-depth. Attention paid to social and cultural understanding of psychopathology.

Statistics for Behavioral Sciences

An introduction to data analysis including measurement and research design. Intended for general education and prospective behavioral science majors. The course will focus on computation, interpretation, and application of both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include organization of data, central tendency and variability, hypothesis testing, non-parametric statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and linear regression.

Forensic Psychology

Explore aspects of the legal system studied by psychologists. Emphasis on research and theories in psychology to understand key participants in the legal system (e.g., criminals, police, victims, witnesses) and examine legal controversies (e.g., race and justice, death penalty, insanity defense, profiling, and eyewitness identification) that can affect legal outcomes.

Research Methods

An introduction to research methods in psychology. This course presents how researchers in psychology use critical analysis, theories, and methods to generate usable information. Emphasis on research design, experimental procedures, instrumentation, qualitative methods, and the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of findings. Attention is paid to strategies to decolonize psychological research.

General Psychology

A scientific approach to the study of behavior and mental processes designed for both majors and non-majors. Topics include research methods, biology of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, memory, lifespan development, motivation, emotion, personality theories, social psychology, abnormal psychology, and psychotherapy.