English 1A Support

This supplemental course, taken in conjunction with English 1A, provides additional support for students in English 1A in academic essay writing and analytical reading. Emphasis is on writing process and the skills involved in reading multiple academic texts and developing and revising text-based, thesis-driven essays at the collegiate level.


A survey of Shakespeare's plays and poetry that emphasizes his growth as a literary artist and the social and artistic forces which shaped his work in the Elizabethan/Jacobean periods. Students learn strategies for textual analysis and interpretation, engage in in-depth discussion, write critical essays, and develop analytical and creative projects.

English 1A Support

This supplemental course, taken in conjunction with English 1A, provides additional support for students in English 1A in academic essay writing and analytical reading. Emphasis is on writing process and the skills involved in reading multiple academic texts and developing and revising text-based, thesis-driven essays at the collegiate level.