Good afternoon College Community, 

Thank you to everyone for your commitment to keeping CCSF students and employees safe over the past few years as we have all worked together to navigate the pandemic.  

At the January 26, 2023, regular meeting of the CCSF Governing Board of Trustees, the Trustees unanimously voted to approve the following changes: 
1. Lifting the indoor mask mandate and changing the indoor masking policy to strongly recommended. 
2. Suspending the in-person classroom instruction student vaccine mandate effective for Summer 2023 registration.  NOTE: The employee vaccination mandate will still be in effect. 

Indoor Masking 
Effective Monday, February 6, 2023, indoor masking at all CCSF locations will be highly recommended and no longer mandated.  If you are currently unable to work in person without mandated masking due to a health condition, our Human Resources Department can support you through an accommodation process.  Depending on specific circumstances, accommodations may include access to workspaces with proximity to windows, N-95 masks, and mobile ventilation support units.  Please contact our new Equal Employee Opportunity Officer, Aaron Chase, in Human Resources for additional details.        

Student Vaccine Mandate 
Effective for the Summer 2023 registration period, the student vaccine mandate for in-person classes will be lifted.  Students will no longer be required to show proof of vaccination before registering for in-person classes at CCSF. 

Implementation & Monitoring 
The college-wide Health and Safety Committee will be discussing and monitoring the implementation of the two changes above.  If you have any questions or would like to participate in the discussion, please contact your constituent representative on the Health and Safety Committee or plan on attending an upcoming committee meeting.  The committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month from 3:30 - 5:00. Please view the PGC Calendar of Participatory Governance Council (PGC) and PGC Standing Committee Meetings for meeting dates/times, Zoom links, and agendas.  We will also ensure that the college-wide responses align with any further changes in regulations and guidance through the City and County of San Francisco and the CDC. 


  • iCal 2025-03-13 13:38:04 2025-03-13 13:38:04 Title Description Location CCSF America/Los_Angeles public