Dr. Ardel Haefele-Thomas Announces Two Book Publications in 2019

City College of San Francisco (CCSF) proudly celebrates two book publications by Dr. Ardel Haefele-Thomas, who has been a faculty member at CCSF for 14 years and has served as Chair of its LGBT Studies for 13 years. Dr. Haefele-Thomas has been an avid activist and scholar since the 1980's, and has published numerous writings that focus on the intersections of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and socio-economics in academic journals and anthologies.

The first book took Dr. Haefele-Thomas 4 years to write, includes information and resources provided by many CCSF students and some faculty members, as well as writings from around the world. The 477-page book is “Introduction to Transgender Studies”, and the first introduction to the field of the study in the world.

And the second book is a 500-page book published by ABC-CLIO Press, titled “Transgender: A Reference Book” co-authored with Dr. Aaron Devor of Sociology and head of the Transgender Archive at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Haefele-Thomas’ 2012 book entitled "Queer Others in Victorian Gothic: Transgressing
Monstrosity" was short listed for two awards: an international Gothic Studies award and an
international Victorian Studies award. Dr. Haefele-Thomas is also a competitive power-lifter and
international contact person for athletes who have Differences of Sex Development (DSD)
and/or who are non-binary trans. They also compete in international Standard Ballroom and
International Latin dance. Dr. Ardel Haefele-Thomas received their Ph.D. in Modern Thought
and Literature with a Minor in History from Stanford University. Prior to that, they received both
a B.A. and an M.A. from the University of Colorado, Boulder.

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