Good afternoon college community,

I wanted to share an update regarding City College of San Francisco (CCSF) being placed on accreditation enhanced monitoring by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) for three consecutive years. After three consecutive years of enhanced monitoring, the ACCJC has the authority to issue accreditation sanctions.

On Thursday, January 26th, ACCJC communicated to CCSF that it will not issue any sanctions at this time, instead deferring its final decision until after the 2023 comprehensive accreditation evaluation scheduled for the Spring and Fall of 2023. The deferral action by the Commission indicates their desire to see continued and ongoing progress and evidence of meeting the standards, specifically related to ongoing financial viability and long-term solvency (Standard III.D).

In their correspondence with the college, the Commission acknowledges and appreciates the recent work done by CCSF to address financial stability and ensure ongoing viability for the students we serve. The Commission also identified standards they requested the visiting team to focus attention on during the Spring and Fall 2023 review. These standards include:  

  1. Standard III.A.10 - The institution maintains a sufficient number of administrators with appropriate preparation and expertise to provide continuity and effective administrative leadership and services that support the institution’s mission and purposes.
  2. Standard III.D.1 - Financial resources are sufficient to support and sustain student learning programs and services and improve institutional effectiveness. The distribution of resources supports the development, maintenance, allocation and reallocation, and enhancement of programs and services. The institution plans and manages its financial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures financial stability.
  3. Standard III.D.4 - Institutional planning reflects a realistic assessment of financial resource availability, development of financial resources, partnerships, and expenditure requirements.
  4. Standard III.D.7 - Institutional responses to external audit findings are comprehensive, timely, and communicated appropriately.
  5. Standard III.D.9 - The institution has sufficient cash flow and reserves to maintain stability, support strategies for appropriate risk management, and, when necessary, implement contingency plans to meet financial emergencies and unforeseen occurrences.
  6. Standard III.D.10 - The institution practices effective oversight of finances, including management of financial aid, grants, externally funded programs, contractual relationships, auxiliary organizations or foundations, and institutional investments and assets.
  7. Standard III.D.12 - The institution plans for and allocates appropriate resources for the payment of liabilities and future obligations, including Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), compensated absences, and other employee-related obligations. The actuarial plan to determine Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) is current and prepared as required by appropriate accounting standards.

As we collectively prepare for the upcoming Spring virtual accreditation review and the Fall in-person visit, we will provide more updates to the college community as we continue to move forward as an institution in a fiscally responsible manner. 


  • iCal 2025-03-13 13:20:32 2025-03-13 13:20:32 Title Description Location CCSF America/Los_Angeles public