The screen above shows the field that you will enter on the Instructional Methodology tab.
This section is the most important section of the Distance Education Addendum. A distance education version of a course needs to have the same catalog description, student learning outcomes, content, assignments, evaluation methods, and textbook/instructional materials as those specified in the Course Outline of Record. However, because the mode of delivery is changing from face-to-face to distance education, the instructional methodology must change.
Here is where you describe how the assignments, evaluations methods, textbooks, and other instructional materials described on the course outline of record for the base course will be modified to meet the online environment. Examples:
- Quizzes and exams will be delivered online
- Presentations will be delivered face to face in a meeting or delivered through video
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Still have questions?
For more assistance, standards, and details on what to write, review the Curriculum Handbook section for Distance Education Addenda -- Instructional Methodology.