Feel free to send me an email to arrange a time to talk! Please refer to my Instructional Website for specifics on courses.
Feel free to send me an email to arrange a time to talk! Please refer to my Instructional Website for specifics on courses.
Welcome new and prospective students! I've been teaching in CCSF's English Department since 2005. I’ve taught the composition sequence (1A, 1A+1AS, 1B, and 1C); English 35A and B, Intro. to and Intermediate Fiction Writing; English 35L and M, Intro. to and Intermediate Literary Magazine; English 44B, Survey of World Literature from Early Modern to the Present; and English 26, an intensive grammar course. I'm a co-coordinator for CCSF's Puente Program at the Mission campus. I teach the Puente Program's English 1A+1AS in the fall and English 1B in the spring, incorporating Latinx and multicultural authors, experiences, and issues into the reading and writing assignments. Puente uses writing instruction, counseling and mentoring to prepare underrepresented students to transfer to four-year universities. I'm also a faculty advisor for Forum Magazine, our English Department's literary journal, which is produced by students in 35L and M.