By appointment. Please email me via the Canvas In-Box for an appointment.
By appointment. Please email me via the Canvas In-Box for an appointment.
Graduate Certificate in Screenwriting, American Film Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
B.A., Interdisciplinary Creative Arts, Magna Cum Laude. Graduate Coursework in Poetry and Fiction. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA.
Lisa Rosenberg is a narrative and documentary scriptwriter. Productions she has written for have earned an Emmy, a Codie, an Action for Children's Television Award, a New York Film Festival Gold, and a nomination for a Peabody Award.
CURE, an international drama, was a Semifinalist for the 2023 New York Women in Film & Television Writers Lab. GRAFT, a period coming-of-age script adapted from a novel by Miriam Michelson, is in development for a live-streamed theatrical production. CRAWL SPACE, a psychological drama adapted from a novel by Edie Meidav and a Finalist for the 2015 New York Women in Film & Television Writers Lab, is under consideration for development.
Recent contract work includes writing the film treatment for THE DOUBLE HAPPINESS COMPANY, a coming-of-age novel by Anne Aylor; script consulting and editing on THE CALLBACK, a short film by writer/director Kara Herold; writing A PRAYER, a script for a short film for actor Anthony Aguilar Gallagher; co-writing the treatment for THE MAYA MOVIE, a documentary feature for Redhouse Productions; and writing CLIPPED WINGS (working title), a dramatic feature based on true events for Front Row Productions.