Thursdays, 10-11 am by appt. only
Thursdays, 10-11 am by appt. only
Jeff Weston is a photographic artist and educator living in the Bay Area. He holds a BA in Art from San Francisco State University. He has been teaching at the college level since 1988, and currently teaches at The Academy of Art University and City College of San Francisco. He has also taught at College of Marin and UC Extension, Berkeley. He teaches and has taught many classes in both film and digital, including Color and Light, Color Theory, Color Printing, Landscape as Architecture, Landscape as Fine Art, Natural Light, Beginning Photography, Lightroom, Night Photography, and many others. He retired from wedding photography in 2002 to concentrate his energies on architectural landscape photography and teaching. He loves them both. His color landscape work explores ideas of identity and vacancy, and often uses subjective color. He has been exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions throughout the Bay Area.