Interior Design Courses

INTD 100, Introduction to Residential Interior Design
Lec-35 Lab-70 P/NP Available

Introduction to residential interior design concepts and principles through two-dimensional and three-dimensional design projects. Exploration of topics related to design process, color, material finishes, and spatial composition as these relate to the profession.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
INTD 102, Interior Design Studio I
Lec-35 Lab-70 P/NP Available


Introduction to interior design fundamentals relating to space and form of commercial and institutional interior environments. Topics include color, space, form, light, sustainability, material, furniture selection, windows, floors, and accessories as these relate to the profession.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
INTD 138, Global History of Interior Design
Lec-52.5 field trips P/NP Available

ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188

The history of Interior Design ranging from ancient times to the 21st Century, including Western, Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Latin American cultures. The course will focus on historical periods and their influences on the design of interior spaces.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable